Based in Melbourne, Avalina Leather is Australia's leading supplier of genuine Italian leather handbags. Our collection of leather handbags for women has been imported from premium Italian designers with a focus on style and attention to detail. From classic leather handbags to casual shoulder bags and evening bags our collection embodies true Italian style. All of our leather bags are made in Italy from genuine Italian leather and premium materials. The appeal of Italian made leather bags is in the design, the quality of the leather and the skill of the craftsman. It ensures your handbag will stand the test of time. We guarantee the authenticity of all of our leather handbags and each comes with a 24 months warranty. Browse our online store for beautiful leather handbags and purchase online with free delivery to all Melbourne suburbs from our Melbourne warehouse.
Popular Ranges: Leather Handbags, Leather Shoulder Bags, Black Leather Handbags, Red Leather Handbags, Brown Leather Handbags
Leather Handbags Melbourne